Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Feel the Pressure

I must say that Lessig is an incredible speaker! I really liked how his slides were in sync with his speech. But, of course, the most important thing was his content.

I liked the fact that he spoke highly of today's generation and their use of the internet and media. Who would have thought that this generation is better at disbelief and triangulation? Lessig does make a good point when he says that we don't take the time to put together information that newspapers give us. So true.

I've never really given much concern about privacy on the internet. I like the way that Lessig framed technology. He said, "Technology makes data out of control." Honestly, whenever I have to input my personal information to complete a form online, I don't give a second thought as to what happens to that information. Maybe I should start being more careful.

But, despite this privacy issue, Lessig sings the praises of the internet. It does have many advantages, especially in today's world. I feel the pressure for teenagers and those that will come after them. Apparently, it's important to be up to date with what the internet and technology can do. So, I guess if a teen doesn't know how to use certain internet tools or website, then what? I'm not too sure how I feel about this. But, what I need to do is to make sure that I know how to use the internet and what it has to offer, to my advantage.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ugly Reality

I got a head start before most of you guys. I got a chance to experience Second Life. This concept of a virtual world really intrigued me. It was fun to choose a pseudo name, cools clothes, fly and to visit different worlds. But for me, that gets old after a while.

I can understand why people spend hours in a virtual world. Some go on shopping sprees, meet unusual people, give friends lavish gifts that, in reality, cost them nothing. In fact, it’s a way to ESCAPE! That’s the major thing – a way of escape.

What concerns me is that people who have genuine problems in life, go to these ‘worlds’ for their fix. Their reality is filled with unhappiness. Let’s face it; this world is messed up. But, I do not think that these virtual worlds provide people with a solution. In fact, I think that this makes the problem even worse. After someone signs out from the virtual world, what happens then? They are faced with the same reality. Their reality didn’t change or get any better.

I just want to caution the use and promotion of these virtual worlds and avatars. I’m not sure if you heard about this, but after some viewers saw the movie, Avatar, recently, many of them wanted to commit suicide. I guess after viewing the avatars’ perfect world, they viewers were unwillingly brought back to their ugly reality.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Can't You Just Give Me The Job Already?

I HATE NETWORKING! I just wanted to get that off my chest. I’m about to graduate, and of course I’ve been job hunting since last October. I’m tired of sending out resumes and attending networking events. But, I suppose no matter how much I dislike networking, I must acknowledge that will most likely land me a job.

I rarely feel comfortable networking. I have in the back of my mind that I’m creating contacts because I want something from them. Penelope Trunk expresses my ideas and dislikes about networking very well. Now I’m told that I have to take networking a step further and use social media. ‘Apparently’, it really works. Well, I definitely have to make greater use of social media as a networking tool.

I need to stop being so bitter. I have seen the rewards of networking using social media. The thing that appeals to me is that it initially reduces the need for face-to-face contact. I can make connections virtually, until the time comes for the need to meet in person. At least, the initial awkwardness or asking for a job is somewhat taken out of the way via the internet!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Far Can We Go?

So, I guess MoSoSo is the next step in the social networking revolution? Mobile social networking is attractive for our generation; especially people under 25. I must say that I'm not very tech-savy. I don't have an iphone or Blackberry; and I don't have Facebook apps for my phone.

I constantly see my friends,on their touch-screen phones, giving status updates and posting pics and info in real-time. It really amazes me. But, when I see this as a growing phenomenon, it kinda concerns me.

A lot of people are so engrossed in their phones, that it seems like it consumes them. Isn't it addictive? We get stuck in this 'virtual world' that, in my opinion, isn't anything like the real world. We lose touch of how to really communicate. Mobile social networking seems far less impersonal than a regular conversation. I can't hear my friend's tone of voice or see facial expressions. In my opinion, we're losing the human element to being interactive social beings.


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Blog inspired by these articles.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

It seems as though the internet is making my generation dumb. So I've heard. I guess in that case, I may not be smarter than a 5th grader in some cases. What?!? I beg to differ.

I think that the internet has many advantages and helps to spread knowledge. Look at Wikipedia. I personally don't think that the internet discourages my generation from being avid readers. The internet is a good way to get easy access to information. Is there anything wrong with that? We can't always go to an encyclopedia.

Remember Encarta? I had that Microsoft encyclopedia books in the 6th grade at my home. But what about those who can't readily afford to buy books? The internet is far more accessible for many, than books are.

And what about getting information from an online community? Well, there are people who learn best from others. They may not be a trusted source, but I can go and look up the information afterward. This doesn't discourage me from reading for myself! When I read information on the internet, my mind doesn't turn off its ability to be critical.

A clear advantage of the internet is that we get information quickly. For example, I would have had to wait at least 6 months for a new edition of Encarta to include an article of President Obama. BUT Wikipedia had this the same day. I say that this reduces the quality of the information because Encarta would have had more thoroughly researched information. But Wikipedia's continual updating and the availability of other online sources can make up for this gap.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The World Revolves Around Me

Would I consider myself self-centered? Umm... I don't think so. However, I must be pretty important if most of the companies that I 'do business with' want to have a relationship with me. Of course, I'M THE CUSTOMER!!

We all know that consumers are vital to any business. Actually, RELATIONSHIPS with consumers are vital to any business. This is where the idea of conversational marketing comes in to play. Here are a couple of things that came to my mind:

  • Conversational marketing increases a company's interaction with its customers. This must take a lot of guts, trust and humility on the part of the company. But this is the way it should be, right? We must admit that there a few companies that make products without adequate input from the consumer. I think that this shows their pride, or maybe lack of 'business smarts'. It also shows how much a company is interested in listening to the customer every step of the way and making products based on the customer's preferences.

  • The idea of traditional market research is possibly thrown out the window with the inception of conversational marketing. Conversational marketing is the intentional step of the company taking ideas and the 'work in progress' to the consumer. Traditional market research may be temporary and only at the beginning and end of the product development. But, with conversational marketing, it is on-going.

Do you notice that the idea of conversational marketing kind of revolves around the idea of an on-line community? Kind of similar to social networking? Once again, technology, the internet, social media and online communities are revolutionizing the world!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hey, I Need Some Help!!

So, have you ever logged in to your FB account and seen a status update that said, "I'm thinking about getting highlights, what color do you think I should get?" Well, I have.

This is an example of social networking in its truest sense. I can ask 682 of my "closest" friends for help, and I readily get it! I think that using FB, and other social networking is a great way to spread information and get information, REALLY QUICKLY. For example, if I had a friend who had a horrible experience with a company's customer service, I definitely would want to know about it. I could avoid the torture from that company in the future.

I remember once when a particular company tried to rip me off for some vitamins I bought. Boy did I wish I had FB back then. That would have been on my status IMMEDIATELY.

All jokes aside, companies should really consider using social networking to improve their customer service, in order to avoid the wrath of the social 'networker'. Companies can also use online communities of their customers to troubleshoot and help each other.

I think that this is the future of CRM. Isn't it funny how social networking is taking over the world?

Blog Circle

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  • Wish I could present like Lawrence Lessig - Aside from the material shared in his presentation, I thought the delivery itself was captivating. I loved those one word slides for effect. I can present,...
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  • Having a Second Life?! - OK, so I think its cool. No, I have never used Second Life, but who doesn't want to go to a virtual island?! But, my questions revolve around the use of Se...
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